
Wednesday, November 12, 2014


It's been a few months since my last post.  Since then, I have found out the I am suffering from chronic adrenal fatigue.  What's chronic adrenal fatigue? Check out this article on Chronic Adrenal Fatigue from Dr. Varsha Rathod, MD; board certified in internal medicine and rheumatology and has been the successfully enhancing traditional medicine with the benefits of holistic healing since 1995. She is an expert in the field of Functional Medicine.

Since seeing Dr. Rathod, she has found several things going on simultaneously that has caused my chronic fatigue.  She took the time to listen to me and tried to figure out the underlying cause of my symptoms, instead of just treating the individual symptoms themselves. 

Some of the early symptoms were, lack of concentration,  becoming increasingly forgetful, and slowly isolating myself from friends and family.  Seeing purely traditional physicians I was quickly diagnosed with clinical depression, major depression, attention deficit disorder and even bipolar depression.  I was prescribed medication after medication that all had major side effects, some felt like they where helping; at least for the short term.  However, they all were causing long term damage and making the real problem I was having even worse.

See, about a decade of major changes,  high stress career and trying to be supermom has made me lose sight of what is really important; taking care of myself, then my family.  No amount of money or career climbing goals I accomplished mattered, if I didn't take time for myself.  Eventually, I wasn't able to do much of anything and all those goals or achievements didn't matter anymore.    My type A personality was the driving force that kept me pushing myself to always do more.  I stopped taking the time out I needed, so my body eventually force me to rest.   I couldn't understand how having a career as a wealth adviser; frequently working long hours covering two offices without an assistant, being an involved mother of two boys and a step daughter, coaching my son's athletic teams, teaching junior achievement, supporting my husband's business; all while trying to stay physically fit could actually push my body to the point of chronic fatigue. Why couldn't I or shouldn't I be able to have it all? 

After reviewing my situation, running several blood tests and just getting to know me, Dr. Rathod was able to  come up with a plan that would help me get healthy once again.  It's not an easy fix, but there is a solution.  It will take time, patience and a desire to want to be healthy.   It will include thinking differently about my choices, my nutrition and my approach.  So, now I take a deep breath and slowly exhale.  It's time to start living life to the fullest, but with a more simple approach. 

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